About SEP

Sustainable Empowerment Program

Millions of children and families in Africa are struggling with extreme poverty, hunger and a lack of access to basic needs. This is primarily due to climate change, conflict, inadequate infrastructure and a lack of education. The scale of challenges is immense; however, we believe that unity, collaboration and partnership can generate the resources needed to boost transformation one community at a time. Under SEP we partner with generous donors to implement locally led interventions to address common challenges that limit growth and transformation in Africa. We do so through the following activities:

1.Development and implementation of corporate social responsibility programs on behalf of businesses and interested donors; and

2.Coordination of collective efforts to raise resources and tackle specific development barriers to enhance and support self-sufficiency in African communities. The generosity of donors and partners allows us to implement local programs to address the following challenges:

  • Period poverty
  • Environmental degradation
  • Access to physical and mental healthcare
  • Access to clean water
  • Sustainable food security
  • Quality education
  • Economic growth

Together we can overcome anything!

Our Programatic Areas

MESDA embodies its commitment to economic and social development in Africa through operation of the following programs.

Leadership Development (LeD)
We believe that leadership development is critical for economic and social development in Africa.
Business and Human Rights (BHR)
Reports indicate that Africa has the world’s highest rates of entrepreneurship with 22% of Africa’s working age-population running businesses.
Sustainable Empowerment Program (SEP)
Millions of children and families in Africa are struggling with extreme poverty, hunger and a lack of access to basic needs.